HTML 4.0 Specification;HTML 4.0 Specification;;;NA;
Advanced Tags;Advanced Tags;;;NA;NA
<APPLET>;This element, supported by all Java-enabled browsers, allows designers to embed a Java applet in an HTML document. It has been deprecated in favor of the OBJECT element.;<APPLET>;</APPLET>;<APPLET>;<APPLET></APPLET>
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
ALT;The ALT attribute can be used to give alternate text for browsers that recognize the element but do not support its use.;ALT=;;NA;ALT=""
ARCHIVE;The ARCHIVE attribute can specify a comma-separated list of archived files), allowing the browser to download many files with a single connection and hence decreasing the total download time.;ARCHIVE=;;NA;ARCHIVE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
CODE;The CODE attribute specifies the name of the class file that contains the compiled subclass.;CODE=;;NA;CODE=""
CODEBASE;The CODEBASE attribute is the URI location of the codefile you would like to use.;CODEBASE=;;NA;CODEBASE=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
HEIGHT;This attribute allows you to specify how tall you want the object to be either by giving a number in pixels or a number as a percentage.;HEIGHT=;;NA;HEIGHT=""
HSPACE;The HSPACE attribute allows an author to suggest horizontal gutters, respectively, around the applet.The value must be in pixels and applies to both sides of the applet.;HSPACE=;;NA;HSPACE=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
OBJECT;The OBJECT attribute specifies a serialized (saved) representation of an applet.The CODE attribute should not be used if and only if the OBJECT attribute is specified;OBJECT=;;NA;OBJECT=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
VSPACE;The VSPACE attribute allows an author to suggest vertical gutters, respectively, around the applet.;VSPACE=;;NA;VSPACE=""
WIDTH;This attribute allows the author to specify how wide they want the object to be either in pixels or by a percentage.;WIDTH=;;NA;WIDTH=""
ACCESSKEY;The ACCESSKEY attribute specifies a single Unicode character as a shortcut key for following the link. Entities (e.g. é) may be used as the ACCESSKEY value.;ACCESSKEY=;;NA;ACCESSKEY=""
ALT;The ALT attribute can be used to give alternate text for browsers that recognize the element but do not support its use.;ALT=;;NA;ALT=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
COORDS;The COORDS attribute specifies what part of the image is included in the region.;COORDS=;;NA;COORDS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
HREF;The HREF attribute specifies a link to another resource, such as an HTML document or a JPEG image.;HREF=;;NA;HREF=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
NOHREF;The boolean NOHREF attribute indicates that the region has no link.;NOHREF=;;NA;NOHREF=""
ONBLUR;This attribute is used for server side scripters for when the region goes out of focus.;ONBLUR=;;NA;ONBLUR=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONFOCUS;This attribute is usually used by server side scripters for when the region receives focus.;ONFOCUS=;;NA;ONFOCUS=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
SHAPE;The SHAPE attribute specify what part of the image is included in the region. The default SHAPE value is rect, which defines a rectangular.;SHAPE=;;NA;SHAPE=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TABINDEX;The TABINDEX attribute specifies a number between 0 and 32767 to indicate the tabbing order of the map region.;TABINDEX=;;NA;TABINDEX=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
USEMAP;This is used to add a map to an object.;USEMAP=;;NA;USEMAP=""
<ISINDEX>;Single line prompt;<ISINDEX>;;<ISINDEX>;<ISINDEX>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
PROMPT;This attribute allows a custom query prompt to be defined. The default prompt is "This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords.";PROMPT=;;NA;PROMPT=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<LAYER>;Allows an author to define precisely positioned 2-dimensional layout consisting of overlapping layers of transparent or solid content on a web page.;<LAYER>;</LAYER>;<LAYER>;<LAYER></LAYER>
ABOVE;This is used to name the layer.;ABOVE=;;NA;ABOVE=""
BACKGROUND;This can be used by using a URL to an image.;BACKGROUND=;;NA;BACKGROUND=""
BELOW;This is also a layer name attribute.;BELOW=;;NA;BELOW=""
BGCOLOR;This attribute specifies a layer's background color.;BGCOLOR=;;NA;BGCOLOR=""
CLIP;This attribute clips a layer's content to a specified rectangle. All layer content outside that rectangle will be rendered transparent.;CLIP=;;NA;CLIP=""
HEIGHT;This attribute allows you to specify how tall you want the object to be either by giving a number in pixels or a number as a percentage.;HEIGHT=;;NA;HEIGHT=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LEFT;This attribute specifies in pixels the left offset of the layer.;LEFT=;;NA;LEFT=""
ONBLUR;This attribute is used for server side scripters for when the region goes out of focus.;ONBLUR=;;NA;ONBLUR=""
ONFOCUS;This attribute is usually used by server side scripters for when the region receives focus.;ONFOCUS=;;NA;ONFOCUS=""
ONLOAD;This is a cue to do an action when an object loads.;ONLOAD=;;NA;ONLOAD=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
PAGEX;This attribute is used to set the horizontal pixel position of the layer relative to the document window rather than any enclosing layer.;PAGEX=;;NA;PAGEX=""
PAGEY;This attribute is used to set the vertical pixel position of the layer relative to the document window rather than any enclosing layer.;PAGEY=;;NA;PAGEY=""
SRC;This attribute specifies the URL that contains the content to include in the object.;SRC=;;NA;SRC=""
TOP;This attribute specifies in pixels the top offset of the layer.;TOP=;;NA;TOP=""
VISIBILITY;This attribute specifies whether a layer is hidden (hidden), shown (show), or inherits (inherit) its visibility from the layer enclosing it.;VISIBILITY=;;NA;VISIBILITY=""
WIDTH;This attribute allows the author to specify how wide they want the object to be either in pixels or by a percentage.;WIDTH=;;NA;WIDTH=""
Z-INDEX;This attribute specifies a layer's stacking order relative to other layers. Position is specified with positive integers, with "1" indicating the bottommost layer.;Z-INDEX=;;NA;Z-INDEX=""
ACCESSKEY;The ACCESSKEY attribute specifies a single Unicode character as a shortcut key for following the link. Entities (e.g. é) may be used as the ACCESSKEY value.;ACCESSKEY=;;NA;ACCESSKEY=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CONTENT;The CONTENT attribute value may contain text and entities, but it may not contain HTML tags.;CONTENT=;;NA;CONTENT=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
HTTP-EQUIV;The HTTP-EQUIV attribute may be used in place of the NAME attribute to indicate that the property is an HTTP header.;HTTP-EQUIV=;;NA;HTTP-EQUIV=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
SCHEME;The optional SCHEME attribute gives the format of the property value. For example, a date property may require SCHEME="Month-Day-Year" to disambiguate the date from other formats such as SCHEME="Day-Month-Year".;SCHEME=;;NA;SCHEME=""
<MULTICOL>;Specifies that all contained text will be displayed in multi-column format.;<MULTICOL>;</MULTICOL>;<MULTICOL>;<MULTICOL></MULTICOL>
COLS;This attribute indicates the number of columns in which to display the text.;COLS=;;NA;COLS=""
GUTTER;This attribute indicates the width in pixels between the columns. The default value for this attribute is 10 pixels.;GUTTER=;;NA;GUTTER=""
WIDTH;This attribute allows the author to specify how wide they want the object to be either in pixels or by a percentage.;WIDTH=;;NA;WIDTH=""
<NOLAYER>;Used in conjunction with the LAYER and ILAYER elements to indicate content/HTML that will only appear if the browser does not support the LAYER/ILAYER syntax.;<NOLAYER>;</NOLAYER>;<NOLAYER>;<NOLAYER></NOLAYER>
<NOSCRIPT>;Used in conjunction with the SCRIPT element to indicate content/HTML markup that will only appear if the browser does not support the SCRIPT syntax. Browsers that DO support the SCRIPT element will ignore the contents of the NOSCRIPT element.;<NOSCRIPT>;</NOSCRIPT>;<NOSCRIPT>;<NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
ARCHIVE;The ARCHIVE attribute can specify a comma-separated list of archived files), allowing the browser to download many files with a single connection and hence decreasing the total download time.;ARCHIVE=;;NA;ARCHIVE=""
BORDER;The BORDER attribute, specifies the width of the object's border. Specifying BORDER=0 will eliminate the border around a linked object in most browsers, though some allow the user to override this.;BORDER=;;NA;BORDER=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
CLASSID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;CLASSID=;;NA;CLASSID=""
CODEBASE;The CODEBASE attribute is the URI location of the codefile you would like to use.;CODEBASE=;;NA;CODEBASE=""
CODETYPE;The CODETYPE attribute specifies the media type of the CLASSID data.;CODETYPE=;;NA;CODETYPE=""
DATA;OBJECT's DATA attribute specifies the URI of the embedded object. Relative URIs are interpreted with respect to the CODEBASE attribute if it is given.;DATA=;;NA;DATA=""
DECLARE;The DECLARE attribute makes the object a declaration that is not immediately instantiated. This allows the object to be instantiated from a link, button, or object later in the same document.;DECLARE=;;NA;DECLARE=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
HEIGHT;This attribute allows you to specify how tall you want the object to be either by giving a number in pixels or a number as a percentage.;HEIGHT=;;NA;HEIGHT=""
HSPACE;The HSPACE attribute allows an author to suggest horizontal gutters, respectively, around the applet.The value must be in pixels and applies to both sides of the applet.;HSPACE=;;NA;HSPACE=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STANDBY;The STANDBY attribute is also utilized in the example. This attribute provides short text to display while the object is loading.;STANDBY=;;NA;STANDBY=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TABINDEX;The TABINDEX attribute specifies a number between 0 and 32767 to indicate the tabbing order of the map region.;TABINDEX=;;NA;TABINDEX=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
TYPE;The TYPE attribute specifies the media type of the resource.;TYPE=;;NA;TYPE=""
USEMAP;This is used to add a map to an object.;USEMAP=;;NA;USEMAP=""
VSPACE;The VSPACE attribute allows an author to suggest vertical gutters, respectively, around the applet.;VSPACE=;;NA;VSPACE=""
WIDTH;This attribute allows the author to specify how wide they want the object to be either in pixels or by a percentage.;WIDTH=;;NA;WIDTH=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
TYPE;The TYPE attribute specifies the media type of the resource.;TYPE=;;NA;TYPE=""
VALUE;This is used when you need to give a value to something, maybe a number to a hidden object or a default value for a text field.;VALUE=;;NA;VALUE=""
VALUETYPE;The VALUETYPE parameter of PARAM designates the type of the VALUE attribute. The default value for VALUETYPE is data, which indicates that the VALUE attribute contains a string.;VALUETYPE=;;NA;VALUETYPE=""
CHARSET;The optional CHARSET attribute gives the character encoding of the external script (typically ISO-8859-1).;CHARSET=;;NA;CHARSET=""
DEFER;The DEFER attribute indicates that the browser may wait to parse the script until the rest of the document has been rendered.;DEFER=;;NA;DEFER=""
LANGUAGE;Browsers will ignore scripts with LANGUAGE values that they do not support. For example, Netscape Navigator 3.0 will execute scripts with LANGUAGE="JavaScript" or LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" but will ignore scripts with LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" or LANGUAGE="VBScript".;LANGUAGE=;;NA;LANGUAGE=""
SRC;This attribute specifies the URL that contains the content to include in the object.;SRC=;;NA;SRC=""
TYPE;The TYPE attribute specifies the media type of the resource.;TYPE=;;NA;TYPE=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
MEDIA;The MEDIA attribute specifies the media on which the style sheet should be applied. This allows authors to restrict a style sheet to certain output devices, such as printers or aural browsers.;MEDIA=;;NA;MEDIA=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
TYPE;The TYPE attribute specifies the media type of the resource.;TYPE=;;NA;TYPE=""
ACCESSKEY;The ACCESSKEY attribute specifies a single Unicode character as a shortcut key for following the link. Entities (e.g. é) may be used as the ACCESSKEY value.;ACCESSKEY=;;NA;ACCESSKEY=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
DISABLED;The boolean DISABLED attribute makes the BUTTON element unavailable. The user is unable to push the button, the button cannot receive focus, and the button is skipped when navigating the document by tabbing.;DISABLED=;;NA;DISABLED=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
ONBLUR;This attribute is used for server side scripters for when the region goes out of focus.;ONBLUR=;;NA;ONBLUR=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONFOCUS;This attribute is usually used by server side scripters for when the region receives focus.;ONFOCUS=;;NA;ONFOCUS=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TABINDEX;The TABINDEX attribute specifies a number between 0 and 32767 to indicate the tabbing order of the map region.;TABINDEX=;;NA;TABINDEX=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
TYPE;The TYPE attribute specifies the media type of the resource.;TYPE=;;NA;TYPE=""
VALUE;This is used when you need to give a value to something, maybe a number to a hidden object or a default value for a text field.;VALUE=;;NA;VALUE=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
ACCEPT;The ACCEPT-CHARSET attribute specifies a list of character encodings that are accepted by the form handler. The value consists of a list of "charsets" separated by commas and/or spaces.;ACCEPT=;;NA;ACCEPT=""
ACCEPT-CHARSET;The optional CHARSET attribute gives the character encoding of the external script (typically ISO-8859-1).;ACCEPT-CHARSET=;;NA;ACCEPT-CHARSET=""
ACTION;When the user submits the form, through an INPUT or BUTTON element with TYPE=submit, the form values are submitted to the URI given in FORM's required ACTION attribute.;ACTION=;;NA;ACTION=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ENCTYPE;The TYPE attribute specifies the media type of the resource.;ENCTYPE=;;NA;ENCTYPE=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
METHOD;This attribute is the send type, there are two types to choose from, post and get.;METHOD=;;NA;METHOD=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
ONBLUR;This attribute is used for server side scripters for when the region goes out of focus.;ONBLUR=;;NA;ONBLUR=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONFOCUS;This attribute is usually used by server side scripters for when the region receives focus.;ONFOCUS=;;NA;ONFOCUS=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TARGET;The TARGET attribute is used with frames to specify in which frame the form response should be rendered. If no frame with such a name exists, the response is rendered in a new window unless overridden by the user.;TARGET=;;NA;TARGET=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<INPUT>;Form control;<INPUT>;;<INPUT>;<INPUT>
ACCEPT;The ACCEPT-CHARSET attribute specifies a list of character encodings that are accepted by the form handler. The value consists of a list of "charsets" separated by commas and/or spaces.;ACCEPT=;;NA;ACCEPT=""
ACCESSKEY;The ACCESSKEY attribute specifies a single Unicode character as a shortcut key for following the link. Entities (e.g. é) may be used as the ACCESSKEY value.;ACCESSKEY=;;NA;ACCESSKEY=""
ALT;The ALT attribute can be used to give alternate text for browsers that recognize the element but do not support its use.;ALT=;;NA;ALT=""
CHECKED;The boolean CHECKED attribute specifies that the control is initially checked.;CHECKED=;;NA;CHECKED=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
DISABLED;The boolean DISABLED attribute makes the BUTTON element unavailable. The user is unable to push the button, the button cannot receive focus, and the button is skipped when navigating the document by tabbing.;DISABLED=;;NA;DISABLED=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
ISMAP;indicates that the image is a server-side image map,when the user clicks on the image, this attribute causes the cursor location to be passed to the server.;ISMAP=;;NA;ISMAP=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
MAXLENGTH;This is used to specify a number of how many characters are allowed to be typed into an object.;MAXLENGTH=;;NA;MAXLENGTH=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
ONBLUR;This attribute is used for server side scripters for when the region goes out of focus.;ONBLUR=;;NA;ONBLUR=""
ONCHANGE;To do an action when the element loses focus and its value has changed since it received focus.;ONCHANGE=;;NA;ONCHANGE=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONFOCUS;This attribute is usually used by server side scripters for when the region receives focus.;ONFOCUS=;;NA;ONFOCUS=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
ONSELECT;To do an action when text in an input of type text or password is selected.;ONSELECT=;;NA;ONSELECT=""
READONLY;The boolean READONLY attribute, new in HTML 4.0 and poorly supported by current browsers, prevents the user from editing the content of the text or password input types. Read-only elements are still submitted with the form.;READONLY=;;NA;READONLY=""
SIZE;This specifies the number of characters will be displayed in the object.;SIZE=;;NA;SIZE=""
SRC;This attribute specifies the URL that contains the content to include in the object.;SRC=;;NA;SRC=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TABINDEX;The TABINDEX attribute specifies a number between 0 and 32767 to indicate the tabbing order of the map region.;TABINDEX=;;NA;TABINDEX=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
TYPE;The TYPE attribute specifies the media type of the resource.;TYPE=;;NA;TYPE=""
USEMAP;This is used to add a map to an object.;USEMAP=;;NA;USEMAP=""
VALUE;This is used when you need to give a value to something, maybe a number to a hidden object or a default value for a text field.;VALUE=;;NA;VALUE=""
<LABEL>;Form field label text;<LABEL>;</LABEL>;<LABEL>;<LABEL></LABEL>
ACCESSKEY;The ACCESSKEY attribute specifies a single Unicode character as a shortcut key for following the link. Entities (e.g. é) may be used as the ACCESSKEY value.;ACCESSKEY=;;NA;ACCESSKEY=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
FOR;The FOR attribute explicitly specifies the control associated with the LABEL. The value of the FOR attribute must match the value of the associated form control's ID attribute.;FOR=;;NA;FOR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
DISABLED;The boolean DISABLED attribute makes the BUTTON element unavailable. The user is unable to push the button, the button cannot receive focus, and the button is skipped when navigating the document by tabbing.;DISABLED=;;NA;DISABLED=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
MULTIPLE;This is to enable more than one option being selected.;MULTIPLE=;;NA;MULTIPLE=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
ONBLUR;This attribute is used for server side scripters for when the region goes out of focus.;ONBLUR=;;NA;ONBLUR=""
ONCHANGE;To do an action when the element loses focus and its value has changed since it received focus.;ONCHANGE=;;NA;ONCHANGE=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONFOCUS;This attribute is usually used by server side scripters for when the region receives focus.;ONFOCUS=;;NA;ONFOCUS=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
SIZE;This specifies the number of characters will be displayed in the object.;SIZE=;;NA;SIZE=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TABINDEX;The TABINDEX attribute specifies a number between 0 and 32767 to indicate the tabbing order of the map region.;TABINDEX=;;NA;TABINDEX=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
VALUE;This is used when you need to give a value to something, maybe a number to a hidden object or a default value for a text field.;VALUE=;;NA;VALUE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
DISABLED;The boolean DISABLED attribute makes the BUTTON element unavailable. The user is unable to push the button, the button cannot receive focus, and the button is skipped when navigating the document by tabbing.;DISABLED=;;NA;DISABLED=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
MULTIPLE;This is to enable more than one option being selected.;MULTIPLE=;;NA;MULTIPLE=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
ONBLUR;This attribute is used for server side scripters for when the region goes out of focus.;ONBLUR=;;NA;ONBLUR=""
ONCHANGE;To do an action when the element loses focus and its value has changed since it received focus.;ONCHANGE=;;NA;ONCHANGE=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONFOCUS;This attribute is usually used by server side scripters for when the region receives focus.;ONFOCUS=;;NA;ONFOCUS=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
SIZE;This specifies the number of characters will be displayed in the object.;SIZE=;;NA;SIZE=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TABINDEX;The TABINDEX attribute specifies a number between 0 and 32767 to indicate the tabbing order of the map region.;TABINDEX=;;NA;TABINDEX=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
VALUE;This is used when you need to give a value to something, maybe a number to a hidden object or a default value for a text field.;VALUE=;;NA;VALUE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
DISABLED;The boolean DISABLED attribute makes the BUTTON element unavailable. The user is unable to push the button, the button cannot receive focus, and the button is skipped when navigating the document by tabbing.;DISABLED=;;NA;DISABLED=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
MULTIPLE;This is to enable more than one option being selected.;MULTIPLE=;;NA;MULTIPLE=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
ONBLUR;This attribute is used for server side scripters for when the region goes out of focus.;ONBLUR=;;NA;ONBLUR=""
ONCHANGE;To do an action when the element loses focus and its value has changed since it received focus.;ONCHANGE=;;NA;ONCHANGE=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONFOCUS;This attribute is usually used by server side scripters for when the region receives focus.;ONFOCUS=;;NA;ONFOCUS=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
SIZE;This specifies the number of characters will be displayed in the object.;SIZE=;;NA;SIZE=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TABINDEX;The TABINDEX attribute specifies a number between 0 and 32767 to indicate the tabbing order of the map region.;TABINDEX=;;NA;TABINDEX=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
COLS;This attribute indicates the number of columns in which to display the text.;COLS=;;NA;COLS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
DISABLED;The boolean DISABLED attribute makes the BUTTON element unavailable. The user is unable to push the button, the button cannot receive focus, and the button is skipped when navigating the document by tabbing.;DISABLED=;;NA;DISABLED=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
ONBLUR;This attribute is used for server side scripters for when the region goes out of focus.;ONBLUR=;;NA;ONBLUR=""
ONBLUR;This attribute is used for server side scripters for when the region goes out of focus.;ONBLUR=;;NA;ONBLUR=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBCLICK;To do an anction when the mouse is boudble clicked.;ONDBCLICK=;;NA;ONDBCLICK=""
ONFOCUS;This attribute is usually used by server side scripters for when the region receives focus.;ONFOCUS=;;NA;ONFOCUS=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
ONSELECT;To do an action when text in an input of type text or password is selected.;ONSELECT=;;NA;ONSELECT=""
READONLY;The boolean READONLY attribute, new in HTML 4.0 and poorly supported by current browsers, prevents the user from editing the content of the text or password input types. Read-only elements are still submitted with the form.;READONLY=;;NA;READONLY=""
ROWS;This enables the author to specify how many rows may be displayed.;ROWS=;;NA;ROWS=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
WRAP;Use the WRAP attribute to control how the information is displayed on the monitor and submitted to the server. It defines how the input text is wrapped if the user input is longer than the width of the display box.;WRAP=;;NA;WRAP=""
Frames;Frame Tags;;;NA;NA
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
FRAMEBORDER;The BORDER attribute, specifies the width of the object's border. Specifying BORDER=0 will eliminate the border around a linked object in most browsers, though some allow the user to override this.;FRAMEBORDER=;;NA;FRAMEBORDER=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LONGDESC;If the object cannot be described adequately using the TITLE attribute of FRAME, then authors should use the LONGDESC attribute to provide the URI of a full HTML description of the object.;LONGDESC=;;NA;LONGDESC=""
MARGINHEIGHT;This allows the author to specify a height margin in pixels;MARGINHEIGHT=;;NA;MARGINHEIGHT=""
MARGINWIDTH;This allows the author to specify a width margin in pixels.;MARGINWIDTH=;;NA;MARGINWIDTH=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
NORESIZE;This specifies the number of characters will be displayed in the object.;NORESIZE=;;NA;NORESIZE=""
SCROLLING;The SCROLLING attribute specifies whether scrollbars are provided for the frame.;SCROLLING=;;NA;SCROLLING=""
SRC;This attribute specifies the URL that contains the content to include in the object.;SRC=;;NA;SRC=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
BORDER;The BORDER attribute, specifies the width of the object's border. Specifying BORDER=0 will eliminate the border around a linked object in most browsers, though some allow the user to override this.;BORDER=;;NA;BORDER=""
BORDERCOLOR;This is so you can specify a colour to the border.;BORDERCOLOR=;;NA;BORDERCOLOR=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
COLS;This attribute indicates the number of columns in which to display the text.;COLS=;;NA;COLS=""
FRAMEBORDER;The BORDER attribute, specifies the width of the object's border. Specifying BORDER=0 will eliminate the border around a linked object in most browsers, though some allow the user to override this.;FRAMEBORDER=;;NA;FRAMEBORDER=""
FRAMESPACING;This is so you can specify how much space you want between frames.;FRAMESPACING=;;NA;FRAMESPACING=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
ONLOAD;This is a cue to do an action when an object loads.;ONLOAD=;;NA;ONLOAD=""
ONUNLOAD;To do an action when the object has been closed or stopped(unload).;ONUNLOAD=;;NA;ONUNLOAD=""
ROWS;This enables the author to specify how many rows may be displayed.;ROWS=;;NA;ROWS=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
FRAMEBORDER;The BORDER attribute, specifies the width of the object's border. Specifying BORDER=0 will eliminate the border around a linked object in most browsers, though some allow the user to override this.;FRAMEBORDER=;;NA;FRAMEBORDER=""
HEIGHT;This attribute allows you to specify how tall you want the object to be either by giving a number in pixels or a number as a percentage.;HEIGHT=;;NA;HEIGHT=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
LONGDESC;If the object cannot be described adequately using the TITLE attribute of FRAME, then authors should use the LONGDESC attribute to provide the URI of a full HTML description of the object.;LONGDESC=;;NA;LONGDESC=""
MARGINHEIGHT;This allows the author to specify a height margin in pixels;MARGINHEIGHT=;;NA;MARGINHEIGHT=""
MARGINWIDTH;This allows the author to specify a width margin in pixels.;MARGINWIDTH=;;NA;MARGINWIDTH=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
SCROLLING;The SCROLLING attribute specifies whether scrollbars are provided for the frame.;SCROLLING=;;NA;SCROLLING=""
SRC;This attribute specifies the URL that contains the content to include in the object.;SRC=;;NA;SRC=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
WIDTH;This attribute allows the author to specify how wide they want the object to be either in pixels or by a percentage.;WIDTH=;;NA;WIDTH=""
<ILAYER>;Define precisely positioned 2-dimensional layout consisting of overlapping layers of transparent or solid content on a web page.;<ILAYER>;</ILAYER>;<ILAYER>;<ILAYER></ILAYER>
ABOVE;This is used to name the layer.;ABOVE=;;NA;ABOVE=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
BACKGROUND;This can be used by using a URL to an image.;BACKGROUND=;;NA;BACKGROUND=""
BELOW;This is also a layer name attribute.;BELOW=;;NA;BELOW=""
BGCOLOR;This attribute specifies a layer's background color.;BGCOLOR=;;NA;BGCOLOR=""
CLIP;This attribute clips a layer's content to a specified rectangle. All layer content outside that rectangle will be rendered transparent.;CLIP=;;NA;CLIP=""
FRAMEBORDER;The BORDER attribute, specifies the width of the object's border. Specifying BORDER=0 will eliminate the border around a linked object in most browsers, though some allow the user to override this.;FRAMEBORDER=;;NA;FRAMEBORDER=""
HEIGHT;This attribute allows you to specify how tall you want the object to be either by giving a number in pixels or a number as a percentage.;HEIGHT=;;NA;HEIGHT=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LEFT;This attribute specifies in pixels the left offset of the layer.;LEFT=;;NA;LEFT=""
MARGINHEIGHT;This allows the author to specify a height margin in pixels;MARGINHEIGHT=;;NA;MARGINHEIGHT=""
MARGINWIDTH;This allows the author to specify a width margin in pixels.;MARGINWIDTH=;;NA;MARGINWIDTH=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
ONBLUR;This attribute is used for server side scripters for when the region goes out of focus.;ONBLUR=;;NA;ONBLUR=""
ONFOCUS;This attribute is usually used by server side scripters for when the region receives focus.;ONFOCUS=;;NA;ONFOCUS=""
ONLOAD;This is a cue to do an action when an object loads.;ONLOAD=;;NA;ONLOAD=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
PAGEX;This attribute is used to set the horizontal pixel position of the layer relative to the document window rather than any enclosing layer.;PAGEX=;;NA;PAGEX=""
PAGEY;This attribute is used to set the vertical pixel position of the layer relative to the document window rather than any enclosing layer.;PAGEY=;;NA;PAGEY=""
SCROLLING;The SCROLLING attribute specifies whether scrollbars are provided for the frame.;SCROLLING=;;NA;SCROLLING=""
SRC;This attribute specifies the URL that contains the content to include in the object.;SRC=;;NA;SRC=""
TOP;This attribute specifies in pixels the top offset of the layer.;TOP=;;NA;TOP=""
VISIBILITY;This attribute specifies whether a layer is hidden (hidden), shown (show), or inherits (inherit) its visibility from the layer enclosing it.;VISIBILITY=;;NA;VISIBILITY=""
WIDTH;This attribute allows the author to specify how wide they want the object to be either in pixels or by a percentage.;WIDTH=;;NA;WIDTH=""
Z-INDEX;This attribute specifies a layer's stacking order relative to other layers. Position is specified with positive integers, with "1" indicating the bottommost layer.;Z-INDEX=;;NA;Z-INDEX=""
<NOFRAMES>;Alternate content container for non frame-based rendering;<NOFRAMES>;</NOFRAMES>;<NOFRAMES>;<NOFRAMES></NOFRAMES>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
COMPACT;The COMPACT attribute suggests that visual browsers render the list compactly, perhaps with reduced spacing between items. This attribute is not well supported among browsers.;COMPACT=;;NA;COMPACT=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<DL>;Definition list;<DL>;</DL>;<DL>;<DL></DL>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
COMPACT;The COMPACT attribute suggests that visual browsers render the list compactly, perhaps with reduced spacing between items. This attribute is not well supported among browsers.;COMPACT=;;NA;COMPACT=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<DT>;Definition term;<DT>;</DT>;<DT>;<DT></DT>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<LI>;List item;<LI>;</LI>;<LI>;<LI></LI>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
COMPACT;The COMPACT attribute suggests that visual browsers render the list compactly, perhaps with reduced spacing between items. This attribute is not well supported among browsers.;COMPACT=;;NA;COMPACT=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
START;starting sequence number,default is 1. especially non-positive values are inconsistently supported;START=;;NA;START=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
TYPE;The TYPE attribute specifies the media type of the resource.;TYPE=;;NA;TYPE=""
VALUE;This is used when you need to give a value to something, maybe a number to a hidden object or a default value for a text field.;VALUE=;;NA;VALUE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
COMPACT;The COMPACT attribute suggests that visual browsers render the list compactly, perhaps with reduced spacing between items. This attribute is not well supported among browsers.;COMPACT=;;NA;COMPACT=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<OL>;Ordered list;<OL>;</OL>;<OL>;<OL></OL>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
COMPACT;The COMPACT attribute suggests that visual browsers render the list compactly, perhaps with reduced spacing between items. This attribute is not well supported among browsers.;COMPACT=;;NA;COMPACT=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
START;starting sequence number,default is 1. especially non-positive values are inconsistently supported;START=;;NA;START=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
TYPE;The TYPE attribute specifies the media type of the resource.;TYPE=;;NA;TYPE=""
VALUE;This is used when you need to give a value to something, maybe a number to a hidden object or a default value for a text field.;VALUE=;;NA;VALUE=""
Standard;Standard Tags;;;NA;NA
ACCESSKEY;The ACCESSKEY attribute specifies a single Unicode character as a shortcut key for following the link. Entities (e.g. é) may be used as the ACCESSKEY value.;ACCESSKEY=;;NA;ACCESSKEY=""
CHARSET;The optional CHARSET attribute gives the character encoding of the external script (typically ISO-8859-1).;CHARSET=;;NA;CHARSET=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
HREF;The HREF attribute specifies a link to another resource, such as an HTML document or a JPEG image.;HREF=;;NA;HREF=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
ONBLUR;This attribute is used for server side scripters for when the region goes out of focus.;ONBLUR=;;NA;ONBLUR=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONFOCUS;This attribute is usually used by server side scripters for when the region receives focus.;ONFOCUS=;;NA;ONFOCUS=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
REL;REL defines a link relationship from the current document to the linked document.;REL=;;NA;REL=""
REV;REL defines a link relationship from the current document to the linked document while REV defines a relationship in the opposite direction.;REV=;;NA;REV=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TABINDEX;The TABINDEX attribute specifies a number between 0 and 32767 to indicate the tabbing order of the map region.;TABINDEX=;;NA;TABINDEX=""
TARGET;The TARGET attribute is used with frames to specify in which frame the form response should be rendered. If no frame with such a name exists, the response is rendered in a new window unless overridden by the user.;TARGET=;;NA;TARGET=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
TYPE;The TYPE attribute specifies the media type of the resource.;TYPE=;;NA;TYPE=""
<BASE>;Document base URI;<BASE>;;<BASE>;<BASE>
HREF;The HREF attribute specifies a link to another resource, such as an HTML document or a JPEG image.;HREF=;;NA;HREF=""
TARGET;The TARGET attribute is used with frames to specify in which frame the form response should be rendered. If no frame with such a name exists, the response is rendered in a new window unless overridden by the user.;TARGET=;;NA;TARGET=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
COLOR;This is used to give text a color that you want.;COLOR=;;NA;COLOR=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
FACE;This is used to determine which font you want to use.;FACE=;;NA;FACE=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
SIZE;This specifies the number of characters will be displayed in the object.;SIZE=;;NA;SIZE=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
ALINK;active link color for document;ALINK=;;NA;ALINK=""
BACKGROUND;This can be used by using a URL to an image.;BACKGROUND=;;NA;BACKGROUND=""
BGCOLOR;This attribute specifies a documents background color.;BGCOLOR=;;NA;BGCOLOR=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
LINK;link color for document;LINK=;;NA;LINK=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TEXT;text color for document;TEXT=;;NA;TEXT=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
VLINK;visited link color for document;VLINK=;;NA;VLINK=""
<BR>;Forced line break;<BR>;;<BR>;<BR>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
CLEAR;The CLEAR attribute of BR is used to move below floating objects (typically images or tables).;CLEAR=;;NA;CLEAR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<CENTER>;Shorthand for DIV align=center;<CENTER>;</CENTER>;<CENTER>;<CENTER></CENTER>
<FONT>;Local change to font;<FONT>;</FONT>;<FONT>;<FONT></FONT>
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
COLOR;This is used to give text a color that you want.;COLOR=;;NA;COLOR=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
FACE;This is used to determine which font you want to use.;FACE=;;NA;FACE=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
POINT-SIZE;This specifies the number of characters will be displayed in the object.;POINT-SIZE=;;NA;POINT-SIZE=""
SIZE;This specifies the number of characters will be displayed in the object.;SIZE=;;NA;SIZE=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
WEIGHT;This to define the boldness of the text.;WEIGHT=;;NA;WEIGHT=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
PROFILE;The optional PROFILE attribute of HEAD gives the location of a metadata profile. A profile defines properties that may be used by META and LINK elements within the HEAD.;PROFILE=;;NA;PROFILE=""
<HR>;Horizontal rule;<HR>;;<HR>;<HR>
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
NOSHADE;The boolean NOSHADE attribute suggests that the rule be rendered as a solid line rather than the groove style commonly used.;NOSHADE=;;NA;NOSHADE=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBCLICK;To do an anction when the mouse is boudble clicked.;ONDBCLICK=;;NA;ONDBCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
SIZE;This specifies the number of characters will be displayed in the object.;SIZE=;;NA;SIZE=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
WIDTH;This attribute allows the author to specify how wide they want the object to be either in pixels or by a percentage.;WIDTH=;;NA;WIDTH=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
VERSION;The deprecated VERSION attribute specifies the Document Type Definition (DTD) that describes the document. This attribute should not be used since the DOCTYPE declaration makes it redundant.;VERSION=;;NA;VERSION=""
<IMG>;Embedded image;<IMG>;;<IMG>;<IMG>
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
BORDER;The BORDER attribute, specifies the width of the object's border. Specifying BORDER=0 will eliminate the border around a linked object in most browsers, though some allow the user to override this.;BORDER=;;NA;BORDER=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
HEIGHT;This attribute allows you to specify how tall you want the object to be either by giving a number in pixels or a number as a percentage.;HEIGHT=;;NA;HEIGHT=""
HSPACE;The HSPACE attribute allows an author to suggest horizontal gutters, respectively, around the applet.The value must be in pixels and applies to both sides of the applet.;HSPACE=;;NA;HSPACE=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
ISMAP;indicates that the image is a server-side image map,when the user clicks on the image, this attribute causes the cursor location to be passed to the server.;ISMAP=;;NA;ISMAP=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
LONGDESC;If the object cannot be described adequately using the TITLE attribute of FRAME, then authors should use the LONGDESC attribute to provide the URI of a full HTML description of the object.;LONGDESC=;;NA;LONGDESC=""
LOWSCR;If you want to use a large image on your web site make two versions of the photo or art work. One will be extremely low resolution i.e. 8 to 16 colors, while your main image will be full resolution at 256 colors. Then you can force the low resolution image to load first followed by the high resolution version of your image. ;LOWSCR=;;NA;LOWSCR=""
NAME;This attribute allows authors to manipulate specific objects, most comanly used to transfer data using forms.;NAME=;;NA;NAME=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;To do an action when a key is released.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
SRC;This attribute specifies the URL that contains the content to include in the object.;SRC=;;NA;SRC=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
USEMAP;This is used to add a map to an object.;USEMAP=;;NA;USEMAP=""
VSPACE;The VSPACE attribute allows an author to suggest vertical gutters, respectively, around the applet.;VSPACE=;;NA;VSPACE=""
WIDTH;This attribute allows the author to specify how wide they want the object to be either in pixels or by a percentage.;WIDTH=;;NA;WIDTH=""
ACCESSKEY;The ACCESSKEY attribute specifies a single Unicode character as a shortcut key for following the link. Entities (e.g. é) may be used as the ACCESSKEY value.;ACCESSKEY=;;NA;ACCESSKEY=""
CHARSET;The optional CHARSET attribute gives the character encoding of the external script (typically ISO-8859-1).;CHARSET=;;NA;CHARSET=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
HREF;The HREF attribute specifies a link to another resource, such as an HTML document or a JPEG image.;HREF=;;NA;HREF=""
HREFLANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;HREFLANG=;;NA;HREFLANG=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
MEDIA;The MEDIA attribute specifies the media on which the style sheet should be applied. This allows authors to restrict a style sheet to certain output devices, such as printers or aural browsers.;MEDIA=;;NA;MEDIA=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;To do an action when a key is released.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
REL;REL defines a link relationship from the current document to the linked document.;REL=;;NA;REL=""
REV;REL defines a link relationship from the current document to the linked document while REV defines a relationship in the opposite direction.;REV=;;NA;REV=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TARGET;The TARGET attribute is used with frames to specify in which frame the form response should be rendered. If no frame with such a name exists, the response is rendered in a new window unless overridden by the user.;TARGET=;;NA;TARGET=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
TYPE;The TYPE attribute specifies the media type of the resource.;TYPE=;;NA;TYPE=""
ACCESSKEY;The ACCESSKEY attribute specifies a single Unicode character as a shortcut key for following the link. Entities (e.g. é) may be used as the ACCESSKEY value.;ACCESSKEY=;;NA;ACCESSKEY=""
ALT;The ALT attribute can be used to give alternate text for browsers that recognize the element but do not support its use.;ALT=;;NA;ALT=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
COORDS;The COORDS attribute specifies what part of the image is included in the region.;COORDS=;;NA;COORDS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
HREF;The HREF attribute specifies a link to another resource, such as an HTML document or a JPEG image.;HREF=;;NA;HREF=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
NOHREF;The boolean NOHREF attribute indicates that the region has no link.;NOHREF=;;NA;NOHREF=""
ONBLUR;This attribute is used for server side scripters for when the region goes out of focus.;ONBLUR=;;NA;ONBLUR=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONFOCUS;This attribute is usually used by server side scripters for when the region receives focus.;ONFOCUS=;;NA;ONFOCUS=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
SHAPE;The SHAPE attribute specify what part of the image is included in the region. The default SHAPE value is rect, which defines a rectangular.;SHAPE=;;NA;SHAPE=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TABINDEX;The TABINDEX attribute specifies a number between 0 and 32767 to indicate the tabbing order of the map region.;TABINDEX=;;NA;TABINDEX=""
TARGET;The TARGET attribute is used with frames to specify in which frame the form response should be rendered. If no frame with such a name exists, the response is rendered in a new window unless overridden by the user.;TARGET=;;NA;TARGET=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<NOBR>;Indicates to the browser that all contents within its boundaries will not have linebreaks inserted;<NOBR>;</NOBR>;<NOBR>;<NOBR></NOBR>
<SPACER>;Gives the author more control over white space in HTML documents. The author can control horizontal-only spacing, vertical-only spacing, or block spacing (vertical and horizontal) as well.;<SPACER>;;<SPACER>;<SPACER>
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CHAR;Possible values are left, center, right, justify, and char. ALIGN=char aligns a cell's contents on the character given in the CHAR attribute.;CHAR=;;NA;CHAR=""
CHAROFF;The CHAROFF attribute specifies the offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character. The attribute's value is a number in pixels or a percentage of the cell's width. CHAROFF="50%" centers the alignment character horizontally in a cell.;CHAROFF=;;NA;CHAROFF=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
VALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;VALIGN=;;NA;VALIGN=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
VALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;VALIGN=;;NA;VALIGN=""
<COL>;Table column;<COL>;;<COL>;<COL>
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CHAR;Possible values are left, center, right, justify, and char. ALIGN=char aligns a cell's contents on the character given in the CHAR attribute.;CHAR=;;NA;CHAR=""
CHAROFF;The CHAROFF attribute specifies the offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character. The attribute's value is a number in pixels or a percentage of the cell's width. CHAROFF="50%" centers the alignment character horizontally in a cell.;CHAROFF=;;NA;CHAROFF=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
SPAN;COL's SPAN attribute defines the number of columns that will share the COL element's other attributes. The default value is 1.;SPAN=;;NA;SPAN=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
VALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;VALIGN=;;NA;VALIGN=""
WIDTH;This attribute allows the author to specify how wide they want the object to be either in pixels or by a percentage.;WIDTH=;;NA;WIDTH=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CHAR;Possible values are left, center, right, justify, and char. ALIGN=char aligns a cell's contents on the character given in the CHAR attribute.;CHAR=;;NA;CHAR=""
CHAROFF;The CHAROFF attribute specifies the offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character. The attribute's value is a number in pixels or a percentage of the cell's width. CHAROFF="50%" centers the alignment character horizontally in a cell.;CHAROFF=;;NA;CHAROFF=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
SPAN;COL's SPAN attribute defines the number of columns that will share the COL element's other attributes. The default value is 1.;SPAN=;;NA;SPAN=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
VALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;VALIGN=;;NA;VALIGN=""
WIDTH;This attribute allows the author to specify how wide they want the object to be either in pixels or by a percentage.;WIDTH=;;NA;WIDTH=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
BGCOLOR;This attribute specifies a layer's background color.;BGCOLOR=;;NA;BGCOLOR=""
BORDER;The BORDER attribute, specifies the width of the object's border. Specifying BORDER=0 will eliminate the border around a linked object in most browsers, though some allow the user to override this.;BORDER=;;NA;BORDER=""
CELLPADDING;The CELLPADDING attribute defines the amount of space within table cells (i.e., between the border and cell contents).;CELLPADDING=;;NA;CELLPADDING=""
CELLSPACING;The CELLSPACING attribute defines the amount of space between table cells.;CELLSPACING=;;NA;CELLSPACING=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DATAPAGESIZE;This specifies the number of characters will be displayed in the object.;DATAPAGESIZE=;;NA;DATAPAGESIZE=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
FRAME;The FRAME attribute, poorly supported by browsers, specifies which sides of the table's outer border are visible.;FRAME=;;NA;FRAME=""
HEIGHT;This attribute allows you to specify how tall you want the object to be either by giving a number in pixels or a number as a percentage.;HEIGHT=;;NA;HEIGHT=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
RULES;The RULES attribute, poorly supported by browsers, specifies the borders between table cells.;RULES=;;NA;RULES=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
SUMMARY;The SUMMARY attribute to describe the purpose and/or structure of the table. The overview provided by the SUMMARY attribute is particularly helpful to users of non-visual browsers.;SUMMARY=;;NA;SUMMARY=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
WIDTH;This attribute allows the author to specify how wide they want the object to be either in pixels or by a percentage.;WIDTH=;;NA;WIDTH=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
BGCOLOR;This attribute specifies a layer's background color.;BGCOLOR=;;NA;BGCOLOR=""
CHAR;Possible values are left, center, right, justify, and char. ALIGN=char aligns a cell's contents on the character given in the CHAR attribute.;CHAR=;;NA;CHAR=""
CHAROFF;The CHAROFF attribute specifies the offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character. The attribute's value is a number in pixels or a percentage of the cell's width. CHAROFF="50%" centers the alignment character horizontally in a cell.;CHAROFF=;;NA;CHAROFF=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
VALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;VALIGN=;;NA;VALIGN=""
<TD>;Table data cell;<TD>;</TD>;<TD>;<TD></TD>
ABBR;ABBR gives an abbreviated version of the cell's content. This allows visual browsers to use the short form if space is limited, and non-visual browsers can give a cell's header information in an abbreviated form before rendering each cell.;ABBR=;;NA;ABBR=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
AXIS;AXIS attributes should only be used if the cell provides header information. Like HEADERS, these attributes are new in HTML 4.0 and not well supported, though they should be particularly helpful to non-visual browsers in the future.;AXIS=;;NA;AXIS=""
BGCOLOR;This attribute specifies a layer's background color.;BGCOLOR=;;NA;BGCOLOR=""
BORDERCOLOR;This is so you can specify a colour to the border.;BORDERCOLOR=;;NA;BORDERCOLOR=""
BORDERCOLORDARK;This Internet Explorer-specific attribute specifies the darker of two border colors used to create a three-dimensional effect for the cell's borders.;BORDERCOLORDARK=;;NA;BORDERCOLORDARK=""
BORDERCOLORLIGHT;This Internet Explorer-specific attribute specifies the lighter of two border colors used to create a three-dimensional effect for a cell's borders.;BORDERCOLORLIGHT=;;NA;BORDERCOLORLIGHT=""
CHAR;Possible values are left, center, right, justify, and char. ALIGN=char aligns a cell's contents on the character given in the CHAR attribute.;CHAR=;;NA;CHAR=""
CHAROFF;The CHAROFF attribute specifies the offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character. The attribute's value is a number in pixels or a percentage of the cell's width. CHAROFF="50%" centers the alignment character horizontally in a cell.;CHAROFF=;;NA;CHAROFF=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
COLSPAN;COL's SPAN attribute defines the number of columns that will share the COL element's other attributes. The default value is 1.;COLSPAN=;;NA;COLSPAN=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
HEADERS;The HEADERS attribute specifies the header cells that apply to the TD. The value is a space-separated list of the header cells' ID attribute values. The HEADERS attribute allows non-visual browsers to render the header information for a given cell.;HEADERS=;;NA;HEADERS=""
HEIGHT;This attribute allows you to specify how tall you want the object to be either by giving a number in pixels or a number as a percentage.;HEIGHT=;;NA;HEIGHT=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
NOWRAP;Use the WRAP attribute to control how the information is displayed on the monitor and submitted to the server. It defines how the input text is wrapped if the user input is longer than the width of the display box.;NOWRAP=;;NA;NOWRAP=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
ROWSPAN;COL's SPAN attribute defines the number of columns that will share the COL element's other attributes. The default value is 1.;ROWSPAN=;;NA;ROWSPAN=""
SCOPE;The SCOPE attribute specifies the cells for which the TD element provides header information. SCOPE is a simpler alternative to using HEADERS if the arrangement of header cells is not complex.;SCOPE=;;NA;SCOPE=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
VALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;VALIGN=;;NA;VALIGN=""
WIDTH;This attribute allows the author to specify how wide they want the object to be either in pixels or by a percentage.;WIDTH=;;NA;WIDTH=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CHAR;Possible values are left, center, right, justify, and char. ALIGN=char aligns a cell's contents on the character given in the CHAR attribute.;CHAR=;;NA;CHAR=""
CHAROFF;The CHAROFF attribute specifies the offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character. The attribute's value is a number in pixels or a percentage of the cell's width. CHAROFF="50%" centers the alignment character horizontally in a cell.;CHAROFF=;;NA;CHAROFF=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
VALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;VALIGN=;;NA;VALIGN=""
<TH>;Table header cell;<TH>;</TH>;<TH>;<TH></TH>
ABBR;ABBR gives an abbreviated version of the cell's content. This allows visual browsers to use the short form if space is limited, and non-visual browsers can give a cell's header information in an abbreviated form before rendering each cell.;ABBR=;;NA;ABBR=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
AXIS;AXIS attributes should only be used if the cell provides header information. Like HEADERS, these attributes are new in HTML 4.0 and not well supported, though they should be particularly helpful to non-visual browsers in the future.;AXIS=;;NA;AXIS=""
BGCOLOR;This attribute specifies a layer's background color.;BGCOLOR=;;NA;BGCOLOR=""
BORDERCOLOR;This is so you can specify a colour to the border.;BORDERCOLOR=;;NA;BORDERCOLOR=""
BORDERCOLORDARK;This Internet Explorer-specific attribute specifies the darker of two border colors used to create a three-dimensional effect for the cell's borders.;BORDERCOLORDARK=;;NA;BORDERCOLORDARK=""
BORDERCOLORLIGHT;This Internet Explorer-specific attribute specifies the lighter of two border colors used to create a three-dimensional effect for a cell's borders.;BORDERCOLORLIGHT=;;NA;BORDERCOLORLIGHT=""
CHAR;Possible values are left, center, right, justify, and char. ALIGN=char aligns a cell's contents on the character given in the CHAR attribute.;CHAR=;;NA;CHAR=""
CHAROFF;The CHAROFF attribute specifies the offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character. The attribute's value is a number in pixels or a percentage of the cell's width. CHAROFF="50%" centers the alignment character horizontally in a cell.;CHAROFF=;;NA;CHAROFF=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
COLSPAN;COL's SPAN attribute defines the number of columns that will share the COL element's other attributes. The default value is 1.;COLSPAN=;;NA;COLSPAN=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
HEADERS;The HEADERS attribute specifies the header cells that apply to the TD. The value is a space-separated list of the header cells' ID attribute values. The HEADERS attribute allows non-visual browsers to render the header information for a given cell.;HEADERS=;;NA;HEADERS=""
HEIGHT;This attribute allows you to specify how tall you want the object to be either by giving a number in pixels or a number as a percentage.;HEIGHT=;;NA;HEIGHT=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
NOWRAP;Use the WRAP attribute to control how the information is displayed on the monitor and submitted to the server. It defines how the input text is wrapped if the user input is longer than the width of the display box.;NOWRAP=;;NA;NOWRAP=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
ROWSPAN;COL's SPAN attribute defines the number of columns that will share the COL element's other attributes. The default value is 1.;ROWSPAN=;;NA;ROWSPAN=""
SCOPE;The SCOPE attribute specifies the cells for which the TD element provides header information. SCOPE is a simpler alternative to using HEADERS if the arrangement of header cells is not complex.;SCOPE=;;NA;SCOPE=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
VALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;VALIGN=;;NA;VALIGN=""
WIDTH;This attribute allows the author to specify how wide they want the object to be either in pixels or by a percentage.;WIDTH=;;NA;WIDTH=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CHAR;Possible values are left, center, right, justify, and char. ALIGN=char aligns a cell's contents on the character given in the CHAR attribute.;CHAR=;;NA;CHAR=""
CHAROFF;The CHAROFF attribute specifies the offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character. The attribute's value is a number in pixels or a percentage of the cell's width. CHAROFF="50%" centers the alignment character horizontally in a cell.;CHAROFF=;;NA;CHAROFF=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
VALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;VALIGN=;;NA;VALIGN=""
<TR>;Table row;<TR>;</TR>;<TR>;<TR></TR>
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
BGCOLOR;This attribute specifies a layer's background color.;BGCOLOR=;;NA;BGCOLOR=""
CHAR;Possible values are left, center, right, justify, and char. ALIGN=char aligns a cell's contents on the character given in the CHAR attribute.;CHAR=;;NA;CHAR=""
CHAROFF;The CHAROFF attribute specifies the offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character. The attribute's value is a number in pixels or a percentage of the cell's width. CHAROFF="50%" centers the alignment character horizontally in a cell.;CHAROFF=;;NA;CHAROFF=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
VALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;VALIGN=;;NA;VALIGN=""
Text Formatting;Format Tags;;;NA;NA
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<B>;Bold text style;<B>;</B>;<B>;<B></B>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<BIG>;Large text style;<BIG>;</BIG>;<BIG>;<BIG></BIG>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CITE;The optional CITE attribute of BLOCKQUOTE provides the URI of the source of the quotation. This attribute, not widely supported among browsers, allows readers to verify the authenticity of the quotation and also find related information.;CITE=;;NA;CITE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CITE;The optional CITE attribute of BLOCKQUOTE provides the URI of the source of the quotation. This attribute, not widely supported among browsers, allows readers to verify the authenticity of the quotation and also find related information.;CITE=;;NA;CITE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<DEL>;Deleted text;<DEL>;</DEL>;<DEL>;<DEL></DEL>
CITE;The optional CITE attribute of BLOCKQUOTE provides the URI of the source of the quotation. This attribute, not widely supported among browsers, allows readers to verify the authenticity of the quotation and also find related information.;CITE=;;NA;CITE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DATETIME;The optional DATETIME attribute specifies the date and time of the deletion. The value is case-sensitive and of the form YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD.;DATETIME=;;NA;DATETIME=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<H2>;Heading 2;<H2>;</H2>;<H2>;<H2></H2>
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<H3>;Heading 3;<H3>;</H3>;<H3>;<H3></H3>
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<H4>;Heading 4;<H4>;</H4>;<H4>;<H4></H4>
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<H5>;Heading 5;<H5>;</H5>;<H5>;<H5></H5>
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<I>;Italic text style;<I>;</I>;<I>;<I></I>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<KBD>;Text to be entered by the user;<KBD>;</KBD>;<KBD>;<KBD></KBD>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<Q>;Short inline quotation;<Q>;</Q>;<Q>;<Q></Q>
CITE;The optional CITE attribute of BLOCKQUOTE provides the URI of the source of the quotation. This attribute, not widely supported among browsers, allows readers to verify the authenticity of the quotation and also find related information.;CITE=;;NA;CITE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<S>;Strike-through text style;<S>;</S>;<S>;<S></S>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<SAMP>;Sample program output, scripts, etc.;<SAMP>;</SAMP>;<SAMP>;<SAMP></SAMP>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<SMALL>;Small text style;<SMALL>;</SMALL>;<SMALL>;<SMALL></SMALL>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
ALIGN;This attribute allows the author to align this object either with left, center or right.;ALIGN=;;NA;ALIGN=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<TT>;Teletype or monospaced text style;<TT>;</TT>;<TT>;<TT></TT>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<U>;Underlined text style;<U>;</U>;<U>;<U></U>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
<UL>;Unordered list;<UL>;</UL>;<UL>;<UL></UL>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
COMPACT;The COMPACT attribute suggests that visual browsers render the list compactly, perhaps with reduced spacing between items. This attribute is not well supported among browsers.;COMPACT=;;NA;COMPACT=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
START;starting sequence number,default is 1. especially non-positive values are inconsistently supported;START=;;NA;START=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""
TYPE;The TYPE attribute specifies the media type of the resource.;TYPE=;;NA;TYPE=""
VALUE;This is used when you need to give a value to something, maybe a number to a hidden object or a default value for a text field.;VALUE=;;NA;VALUE=""
<VAR>;Instance of a variable or program argument;<VAR>;</VAR>;<VAR>;<VAR></VAR>
CLASS;The CLASS attribute specifies the element to be a member of one or more classes.For example, an author could use <CODE CLASS=Java> when giving Java code.The CLASS attribute is particularly useful when combined with style sheets.;CLASS=;;NA;CLASS=""
DIR;The DIR attribute specifies the directionality of text--left-to-right (DIR=ltr, the default) or right-to-left (DIR=rtl).;DIR=;;NA;DIR=""
ID;The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. No two elements can have the same ID value in a single document.The value is case-sensitive.;ID=;;NA;ID=""
LANG;The LANG attribute specifies the language of an element's attribute values and its content, including all contained elements that do not specify their own LANG attribute.;LANG=;;NA;LANG=""
ONCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is clicked on an element.;ONCLICK=;;NA;ONCLICK=""
ONDBLCLICK;Is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is double-clicked on an element.;ONDBLCLICK=;;NA;ONDBLCLICK=""
ONKEYDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed down over an element.;ONKEYDOWN=;;NA;ONKEYDOWN=""
ONKEYPRESS;This is a cue to do an action when a key is pressed and released over an element.;ONKEYPRESS=;;NA;ONKEYPRESS=""
ONKEYUP;This is a cue to do an action when a key is released over an element.;ONKEYUP=;;NA;ONKEYUP=""
ONMOUSEDOWN;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is pressed over an element.;ONMOUSEDOWN=;;NA;ONMOUSEDOWN=""
ONMOUSEMOVE;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved while over an element.;ONMOUSEMOVE=;;NA;ONMOUSEMOVE=""
ONMOUSEOUT;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved away from an element.;ONMOUSEOUT=;;NA;ONMOUSEOUT=""
ONMOUSEOVER;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse is moved onto an element.;ONMOUSEOVER=;;NA;ONMOUSEOVER=""
ONMOUSEUP;This is a cue to do an action when the mouse button is released over an element.;ONMOUSEUP=;;NA;ONMOUSEUP=""
STYLE;The STYLE attribute allows authors to specify style rules inline for a single occurrence of an element.;STYLE=;;NA;STYLE=""
TITLE;The TITLE attribute provides a title for an element and is commonly implemented as a "tooltip" on visual browsers, though many browsers lack support for TITLE. The attribute is most useful with A, LINK, IMG, and OBJECT elements, where it provides a title for the linked or embedded resource.;TITLE=;;NA;TITLE=""